FFC 2024 - Cold Brew Coffee
Introducing our newest creation with a purpose: Cold Brew Coffees for a Cause! ☕ We’re thrilled to launch this special range in collaboration with Fashion for Cancer, a cause very close to our hearts.
Founded by Auntie Yan @grey_evolution, a dear friend and former co-founder of 1degreeC Cold Brew Coffee, @fashionforcancersg is more than just a campaign—it’s a tribute to her son, Rong Liang, who bravely fought cancer. This year marks the second iteration of Fashion for Cancer, dedicated to honoring his memory and supporting those affected by this relentless disease.
Handcrafted with care, our cold brew coffees - available in Black, White or Oat - are well-balanced, rich in flavour and crafted to perfection. But more importantly, every sip contributes to cancer research and patient financial aid, with a portion of proceeds going towards the National Cancer Centre Singapore's (NCCS) Cancer Fund.
For those who missed out last year's show, let me fill you in: Fashion For Cancer isn't just about strutting down the catwalk in style (although they do plenty of that!). It's about courage, resilience, and raising funds for a cause close to many hearts. The campaign last year managed to smash expectations and raise nearly $140,000 for cancer research and support. This year, they are aiming even higher with a target of $200,000!
In a world where fashion and beauty have often been associated with superficiality, there is a remarkable movement that transcends appearances and celebrates the very core of human strength – the Fashion For Cancer charity runway show. Birthed out of a dream to bring hope and positivity to those battling cancer, the Fashion For Cancer charity runway show not only seeks to raise funds, but also allow cancer survivors to showcase their resilience, strength, and valiant efforts in battling cancer.
May this fashion show serve as a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who have battled cancer head-on, and a beacon of hope to those on a similar path too. Together, let us fashion a world of healing and hope - one outfit, one step and one heartfelt connection at a time.
Find out more about how you can get involved here!
“ I have experienced the devastating effects of cancer in my family - my uncle, mother, aunts and 2 cousins have passed away from the disease. Last year on 18th September, just 2 weeks after the inaugural launch of Fashion For Cancer 2023, my son Rong Liang, who had pancreatic cancer, passed away at the young age of 38.
As his main caregiver, witnessing the toll that cancer and its treatments took on my son’s overall well-being - physically, emotionally, mentally - was extremely difficult. Most days were filled with fluctuating energy levels, lack of appetite, frustration, sadness, anxiety, anger, and hopelessness.
This motivated me to consider how I can bring positivity and hope to those struggling with cancer, even if it is just for a day.”
Ong Bee Yan (@grey_evolution), Senior Model & Founder of Fashion For Cancer