FOLDnFOLD Engreeneering Co., Ltd., located in Taipei Taiwan, is dedicated to environmental sustainability, and their mission includes ridding the world of the use of plastic and one-time beverage containers that harm the environment. The name, “Engreeneering” is an amalgamation of Green and Engineering, which sums up their goal to create and engineer new products that benefit and protect the eco-system. Trillions of paper cups are wasted and thrown away every year, infecting the environment, and causing lasting damage. FOLDnFOLD hopes that through the use of their products, they can prevent the proliferation of plastic and paper in oceans and forests.
FOLDnFOLD, eager to provide solutions for environmental sustainability issues, hopes that outdoor enthusiasts, athletes, and coffee drinkers will use their product. FOLDnFOLD is proud to say that not only are their innovations re-usable, but also features a compact, foldable process, making the cup easy to store and virtually weightless.