House of Diamonds
House of Diamonds is an Indonesia-based social enterprise that produces a range of hand-stitched textiles including quilts, wearables, and home decor. Through their work, they aim to provide disadvantaged women in Indonesia the opportunity to rise above their circumstances through meaningful employment as textile-artists, offering the freedom to work in a safe, loving environment for good wages.
The founders of House of Diamonds, Ida & Lila, are creative entrepreneurs who are passionate about empowering marginalized women in their community. As little children and teenagers Ida and Lila know first-hand the life of stitching in a sweatshop - like tens of thousands of other Indonesian women, they have experienced the abuse and mistreatment and have been forced to work 13 hour days with unrealistic production quotas.
The message of Ida and Lila's story is that the human spirit is boundless. Now they work to empower young marginalized women in their community and lead them out of positions of strife to places of hope through providing dignified jobs. They want to see women gain skills that will help them support themselves and their families.
" A diamond, formed from seemingly nothing, emerging as a precious jewel ... resilient. individual. valuable. beautiful. "
Lila & Ida, Co-Founders