Neuhabitat is an eco-friendly home and lifestyle brand which aims to reduce single-use paper and plastics in daily-used homewares, through careful curation and production of select items that are made from sustainable and responsibly sourced materials.
Using less for more; essential habits of being more conscious of how we use resources which would in turn help to reduce the pressure on landfills and the ecosystem as a whole. It’s not just about saying “no to single-use paper or plastics". You have to walk the talk.
As the global population grows, it’s an inevitable increase in plastic and paper consumption. It’s up to you and billions of other consumers alike to help change the course of our children’s future; a grim dystopia of waste paper and plastic-filled oceans, accompanied with the collapse of multiple ecosystems.
Join the cause today!
" When I was young, I was taught to take five minute showers, water the plants with used rice water, and to be thankful for the food on the table. These little instructions may sound trivial, but were pivotal in the development of my present beliefs and habits.
Practicing zero waste is about being mindful about the resources we have, and the awareness of the impact of our actions to the environment. Minimizing waste (be it food or clothing), recycling and making conscious choices; these are the personal principles of which Neuhabitat is built on, which I hope will be shared and passed on to future generations. "
Mark Tsi, Founder