To: Everyone
From: Ex-Intern Jesselyn
Subject: Jesselyn’s candid blogpost on her internship experience
Attached below is my casual G1a55door review.
5.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Read on to find out
7 Jan 2023 - Non-anonymous Intern
1. The Meaning
You didn’t ask why I came here, but I’ll tell you anyway. So often, our knowledge of social enterprises (in fact, anything apart from the typical business model) is derived from our trusty friend Google or company websites. Still, I was discontented with this shallow awareness and wanted to be actively involved behind-the-scenes. Having always been more inclined towards social causes, I veered away from social enterprises that focused solely on environmental causes/coffee-brewing and ended up here. Technically… I did apply to a coffee-based social enterprise but the candid “I don’t drink coffee” in my cover letter definitely robbed me of my chance. Their loss. 🧳 Back to being part of a social enterprise, I had honestly braced myself to have my rose-tinted lens shattered and see that everything was just talk/for show.
Lo and behold, The Social Space really outdid herself. From the seemingly minute things like having our takeaway meals from outside kept only in eco-friendly containers, to packing our online orders in post-consumer material, this consistency astounded me. As part of the team handpacking these orders, I very quickly realised how much more space and time it took just to stick by our values of sustainability. It is safe to say that these glimpses of the company’s intentionality gave me the conviction to at least try to live sustainable, even in my own private life.

Sustainable packaging for online orders
2. The People
As someone introverted, it was a great comfort to learn that everyone here was friendly and easy to talk to, irregardless of our background. Behind-the-kitchen chats with cafe staff as I refilled my bottle were definitely my favourite. People here were also quick to take care of one another, which was a huge relief especially when it came to keying our staff meals into the POS machine (Till this day, I still fumble with it). We also had a staff Christmas party and it was really fun! Yes, even though I usually dislike any sort of party.

Staff Christmas party, full hearts and tummies
Of course, I have to give a special shoutout to the retail team I worked the most closely with - Farhana and Yu Xuan. Through the stocktakes, the packing of orders, shopify listings, etc… It’s true, people make the difference. ❤️

Us in our unplanned matching outfits
Evidence of me being the best co-intern (I expect a special shoutout in Yu Xuan’s future blogpost too)

My “modelling debut” and behind-the-scenes for her shopify listings
3. The Food
It would be a blatant lie to leave this out. Truthfully, I’ve never been much of a toast/coffee kinda girl, but in the past month I’ve definitely had my fill. Here’s a collage of my toast x latte adventures:

My personal favourite: Roasted Mushrooms + Crème Fraîche Open-Face Toast.
I might aggressively attack non-bread carbs for all meals after this, but I am thankful for all the yummy meals nonetheless :)
Things I learnt the hard way (Despise them at your own risk)
As Mercedes Lackey once wrote, “If it is stupid but it works, it isn’t stupid.” Fellow marketing and retail interns, you’re welcome.
1. Bring your own props to your marketing interview.
It feels just like yesterday when I was stuck outside the cafe, desperately trying to keep my phone camera stable with my left hand and shifting products with my right. Needless to say, the final product of my interview assignment turned out pretty ugly and it’s a miracle I got hired.

Brambe’s products, which I now share a love-hate relationship with.
2. For stocktake, do not wear a dress. Dress like you’re ready to conquer an obstacle course. Because you will have to.
3. Have later lunches, so the later part of your workday will seem shorter.
Overall, it was really a wonderful experience with no regrets! I could have potated my whole winter break instead, but I would choose this experience all over again. ☃️ I mean it, even as the school semester starts in 2 days (That’s how you know I’m serious). No regrets.
With Love,Jesselyn
(Retail & Marketing Intern from Nov - Dec 2022)
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